
Community Events

Community is one of our three core values at Student Impact. This is why we organise several events throughout the semester for our 50+ active members and 350+ alumni.

Onboarding Weekend

At the beginning of the semester, the new team spends a weekend in the Swiss mountains to get to know each other.

Midterm Party

In the middle of the semester, the members come together and celebrate.


Once a semester, Student Impact members spend a weekend together in a cultural city. In recent years, we've explored Milan and Turin.

Team Events

Each team organises several team events to grow together alongside the work sessions.

Summer Party

Looking back on the semester with tastefull food, good drinks and a beautiful location.

Ski Trip

SI members enjoy spending a weekend together in the Swiss Alps.

Degree-Major Diversity


Positions at Student Impact

Student Impact offers a wide range of positions.



Work on a project in small teams over the course of a semester.

Project Leader

Experienced consultants leading the team and interacting with the client.


Community Engagement

Organization of various community events throughout the semester.

Finance & Data

Collecting internal data such as our CO2 footprint as well as tracking our income and expenses.


Creating content to represent Student Impact online and attract new clients and members.

Human Resources

Organization of recruitment events and the mentoring program.

Digital Development

Maintenance and development of internal infrastructure and website.

Operations Associate

Supporting other operations departments

Sustainability Education

Organizes the Monday Meeting Inputs on sustainability topics.



Responsible for the whole organization.

Vice President

Along with the President, responsible for the entire organization.

Project Partner

Experienced consultants supporting the consulting teams with their expertise.

Head of Operations

Responsible for the Operations Team.

Alumni Destinations