Projects tailored to your needs​

Our semester-long projects are tailored to meet your specific needs, while maintaining a foundational structure that ensures clear communication, quality, and professional presentations.

A Typical Project

A Typical Project


Project Leaders






Percent Workload

Typical Project Timeline

Typical Project Timeline

Our projects span one university semester, starting either in mid-February (spring semester) or mid-September (fall semester).

3 months before the project start

First contact

Contact us about three months before the university semester starts: October to December for spring semester (February-May); May to July for fall semester (September-December).

Contact us

1 to 2 months before the project start

Project conception

Together with the leadership team of Student Impact, you will be able to shape and plan your custom project from our different service spheres. All relevant details will be secured in the project contract. As we are a non-profit organization, we offer reduced prices for startups and small companies.

Week 1

Kick-off meeting

Projects kick off with a meeting, typically held at the client’s site, to align on project goals, establish the way of working, and connect with the team.

Week 1

Kick-off meeting

Projects kick off with a meeting, typically held at the client’s site, to align on project goals, establish the way of working, and connect with the team.

Week 1-5

Analysis and research

Consultants analyze the client's situation, research the market, and consult with experts. Throughout, Project Leaders will meet regularly with the client, providing progress updates and collaboratively determining focus areas.

Week 1-5

Analysis and research

Consultants analyze the client's situation, research the market, and consult with experts. Throughout, Project Leaders will meet regularly with the client, providing progress updates and collaboratively determining focus areas.

Week 6

Interim presentation

Showcases initial research findings and insights, encouraging client feedback to collaboratively determine the focus of the second phase of the project.

Week 6

Interim presentation

Showcases initial research findings and insights, encouraging client feedback to collaboratively determine the focus of the second phase of the project.

Week 7-11

Ideation and planning

Concentrates on crafting a clear roadmap, involving thorough ideation and strategic planning to define actionable steps for achieving targeted outcomes.

Week 7-11

Ideation and planning

Concentrates on crafting a clear roadmap, involving thorough ideation and strategic planning to define actionable steps for achieving targeted outcomes.

Week 12

Final presentation

Comprehensive communication of the final recommendations to all stakeholders of the client, designed to ensure a lasting impact and facilitate informed decision-making for sustainable change.

Week 12

Final presentation

Comprehensive communication of the final recommendations to all stakeholders of the client, designed to ensure a lasting impact and facilitate informed decision-making for sustainable change.